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👋🏻 Hi, I’m Josh Lavine


About Me

🙋🏽 Coaching with Josh FAQs

What I offer

🦉 Brief Guide to a Great Co-Founder Relationship

🤝🏽 Co-Founder Coaching

🌱 Founder Coaching

🌾 VC Coaching

🏫 The Enneagram School

🎙️ What It’s Like To Be You [Podcast / **YouTube]**

📚 Wise Leader Bookshelf

Find Me

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📚 This Bookshelf

<aside> 🦉 This is a library of mostly non-fiction books that can meaningfully shift the way you see leadership and personal growth. Many are “off the beaten path” and teach ways of thinking that are, in my view, essential, but not yet mainstream.

I’d also like to acknowledge that books’ role in education is outsized. Film, theater, poetry, art, romance, friendship, nature… everything is teaching us, if we are open to learning.

Please enjoy.


🤯 Favorite Paradigm Shifters

In the case of good books, the point is not how many you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you. ~ Mortimer Adler

Josh's Life Resources

🌲 Leadership & Organizations

Josh's Life Resources

🌱 Vertical Development

Josh's Life Resources

🌱 Learning & Skill Building

[W]e can say that Muad’Dib learned rapidly because his first training was in how to learn. And the first lesson of all was the basic trust that he could learn. It is shocking to find how many people do not believe they can learn, and how many more believe learning to be difficult. Muad’Dib knew that every experience carries its lesson.

~ Dune, Frank Herbert

Josh's Life Resources

🦋 Trauma and Healing